Friday, March 12, 2010

This is damn cute/funny :)

Wah it's 5:30 am and I friggin suddenly have the friggin urge to friggin blog.
FriGgiN weird or what?
Yeah I know you get the friggin idea now.
Haha I should friggin stop with the friggin.
It doesn't even look like a word anymore, you can replace it with seriously, that should be funneh.

I think I've been blogging way too seriOUsly it's annoying ze crap outta me.
Not like anyone cares but I ownself ownself unhappy can a not!
Don't chu think so?
Agree right?

Sigh why can't I go to sleep.
(So you think now you not on a moving object(ship) you got excuse to not sleep la. But tbh I sleep damn well on moving objects(bus/car) except the train. I don't fall in the mrt I should thank god already.)

Sighhhh my cruise trip was awesummmz, why so short tsk.
COol dad lost money gambling, sigh both nights he play till 4 while I watched disney channel alone on ze room.
So lonely ~ but the ocean and winds accompanied me so it was fine.
Disney channel kept playing the Upin & Ipin ad, I think the part they say, "eeeeeee" after their mom like say it's chicken poo damn cute(anyone know what I'm saying?? :)) , so long neh watch disney, feel like watching again.
I miss Phineas & Ferb, so niceeeeeeeeee :)

Anw stressing over the fate of my new cam nao, not that it's in my hands already.
Valsy's friend's mother's son working @ canon.
So if I'm lucky enough, I can get it at almost half the FRIggin price!!!!!!!! $-$ whoooopeeedooo hhehe waiting waiting ~ waiting on the price to change.
Ok lame.
Ok night.
Ok wait.
Ok I answer some questions now.
Ok I know I'm irritating the shizz outta you, plz still love me ok.
Ok love you back :)

Q: Michael Cera or T.O.P
A: Walauuu rlly damn hard to decide, how about, I like Michael Cera's onscreen personality alot and I hope to find someone like him but I love T.O.P onscreen and offscreen so you know which I choose, obviously HAHAHA act as if very hard to decide

Q: how do you apply to work at frolick ?
A: Email em and then go down for interview!!! New girls faaaiiitin with us for slots sigh I don't even get much nowadays, sad life haha but good luck to you still!

Q: heyhey steph! Q - what cca you in?
A: Now? Don't have. Sb sian. Gonna join with my ace gang I hope, higher chance of going uni right? My results ah. . . . . . . . . . .

Q: wow this is a cool idea! erm... im gonna stay anonymous Q - Where do you go to school?
A: Hahah you r damn qttttt, do I know you!! SP!! Come come, singapore polytechnic, oldest in singapore, most haunted also haha just kidding

Q: hello.what is your height and weight?
A: Walauuu I m damn sad, so now you ask this sensitive q, wna die is it? Haha just kidding also, sigh I'm damn short & fat. 1.58(not growing anymore :'( ) and 47 kg. After cruise come back, put on 1 kg, must be the buffet!

Ok this time I rlly gg, happy right!! Thanks for reading all uh. Byez!

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